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Sean Murphy Reveals Why He Reconceived Batman Beyond’s Look in White Knight


Fan favorite artist Sean Murphy will depict Terry McGinnis as half-Asian for upcoming mini-series Batman: Beyond the White Knight.

Screen Rant:

Murphy says:The trick with Terry for me was how to make him a little different. I didn’t want to just mirror exactly what happened with the Batman Beyond cartoon series. I wanted to make it unique, but sort of familiar at the same time. One of the things I really wanted to do is make him half Asian. I didn’t realize this, but a ton of people — including myself — always assumed Terry was half Japanese, and half Irish, or something. Only because there’s so much kanji in Neo-Gotham, and he has long, black, straight hair… like, a lot of people mistake him as being half Asian. Even though both of his parents are like, extremely white.”

Murphy shared images on Instagram showing his Terry design and announcing his intentions to tweak the character’s race. In the world of Beyond the White Knight, the future Batman’s mother is Asian and his father Irish.


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