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Grab Your NSA Hottie Cam 4 Is Taking Creators To Tulum


Cam 4, the award-winning adult platform that’s not Chaturbate, is offering content creators a once in a lifetime experience and a chance for you to enter their most exclusive contest yet: a trip to Mexican resort city of Tulum.


Says Cam 4:

“This out of the box adventure focuses on the concept of exploring the world around you and sharing it with those you have dedicated your life to online, it is now time to bring them along for the ride. Streaming live from the Mexican jungle, you and other creators will have a chance to dive deep into those sexual desires and change your environment. Let viewers see this remarkable oasis through your eyes. Experience local activities, workshops, and connect with like-minded creators.”

Play, explore, and enter for a chance to win #CAM4TULUM

Contest runs from December 26th to February 5th, 2023

How to Enter:

Step 1: Record a 90 second video telling us:
 How has streaming empowered your life?
 What type of adventures would you love to experience with CAM4?

Step 2: Pin your video to your Twitter page and/or Tiktok page and tag #CAM4 and #CAM4Tulum until February 5 th , 2023.

Escape To Tulum with CAM4 from CAM4 on Vimeo.


For more details and eligibility, please visit CAM4.com/Tulum
