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Netflix Will Not Be Streaming Dave Chappelle’s Set from Hollywood Bowl


Netflix will not be streaming Dave Chappelle’s comedy set at the Hollywood Bowl as part of its massive Netflix Is a Joke year long comedy festival. Chappelle was the headliner of the festival and sold out four nights one of which he was attacked on stage.

The Hollywood Reporter:

The most talked-about moment from Netflix’s first-ever comedy festival — perhaps one of the most talked-about moments from any comedy performance in recent memory — isn’t coming to streaming.

Netflix announced a list of content being released from its Netflix Is a Joke Fest and Dave Chappelle’s Hollywood Bowl event, where the comedian was attacked on stage last week, isn’t included.


The set’s absence isn’t due to the assault, however. The streamer made it clear before the festival that the comedian’s four sold-out Hollywood Bowl shows were not being taped for a special. Chappelle had his own cameras present to film the show — as comics often do when working out new material (as Chappelle was). Professionally shot footage of the attack likely does exist and could eventually see the light of day in some fashion, but it’s not part of Netflix’s plans.



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