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Sex & Dating

Meet the Real Dude Behind the Hottest New Nifty Story in Years


Many of us are familiar with Nifty.org. Since 1992 the erotica site has been providing “a generally accessible, representative collection of the diverse hopes, dreams, aspirations, fantasies, and experiences of the LGBTQ+ Community as expressed on the Internet through stories and information as a resource for research, exploration, and scholarship.”

The hottest story on the site right now and for the past year is called “Smoking a Bowl with Dad.

The story is classic nifty and touches on hot button issues like drug use and incest but ultimately it resonates because it’s art. It’s the way the protagonist B.J. wrestles with each sexual encounter, as well as the smallest details, that lends it verisimilitude.

Is that something I’m into? Am I just so fucking spun that the twisted shit got me rock hard?

B.J. “Smoking A Bowl With Dad” Part 10

The deceptively simple prose behind the story was written by FT a 35 year-old sexy dude from the rural south who in a wide ranging conversation shared the story behind the story and reveals where fantasy and reality dovetail and how important outlets like this story are for all of us, deliberately or not, about what it’s like to be living what feels like the end of the world.

GayNrd spoke to BT via Telegram.

What was the inspiration behind the story?

There were several sources of inspiration. Hot dudes I fantasized about, twisted scenarios I found myself in, one or two encounters with older men. The primary inspiration was a lack of any good pnp stuff. I felt like I could craft a story that was hotter and better.

How has it been received?

I’ve gotten a lot of emails from dudes across the globe that seriously enjoy it. Don’t know what’s wrong with them. Sickos 😉

So many people have this fantasy yet some people would say it’s abuse… what’s your stand? 

Absolutely. That’s a reasonable assertion. Yet we give kids as young as five years old smart phones where they have access to and in turn are able to access a dangerous adult world whose dangers they can’t really comprehend. However, consent is paramount.

Even in the context of this fantasy there isn’t even the suggestion of non-consent. That’s where the line is and that is non-negotiable, in life or fiction.

Why do you think the story resonates with so many people?

Because we’re all twisted pervs? [laughs] I don’t know man, but I it’s cool. It’s always great to learn that something you’re into resonates. It means you’re not alone.


Read “Smoking a Bowl with Dad.”
