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His Girls Chapel and T’Pring: the Screwball Rom-com of Spock on ‘New Worlds’


Hijinks, and screwball romantic comedy are  the last thing Star Trek fans probably ever expected in regards to Spock. But if Strange New Worlds is proving that anything is possible and we will enjoy it immensely.

Hijinks are defined as boisterous or rambunctious carryings-on” or “carefree antics or horseplay,” and if it sounds a bit old-fashioned, that’s because it is.

Den of Geek:

“Spock Amok,” Strange New Worlds tries its hand at comedy, and while the hour isn’t a terribly substantial one in terms of larger forward narrative progress, it’s an utterly delightful time.

The set-up is broad enough to give most of the main cast something to do and, perhaps more importantly, it’s honestly just fun to watch. And while I love this franchise, let’s be honest, outside of, say, Star Trek: Lower Decks, there hasn’t been much focus on comedy—or even just simple fun—in Star Trek in recent years. Are there elements of this episode that are deeply silly? Absolutely. Playing Nurse Chapel’s chaotic dating life for laughs is going to get real old, real quick, and we probably could have done with a bit less of Una and La’an’s attempts to prove they too are people who can actually enjoy themselves outside of work.

But these are exactly the sort of slice of life stories I love, precisely because they let us get to know these characters as people, outside of the missions they serve. (Una and La’an’s friendship is adorable, and their good cop bad cop routine is flawless.) There’s nothing wrong with episodes that have low stakes and straightforward problems to solve, like an awkward diplomatic meeting with some rude aliens, or a relationship misunderstanding.
