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‘Hacks’ Star Hits Comedy Gold Again with Corporate Pride Campaign Parody


A year after launching one of the most consistently meme’d social media videos of 2021, comedian and actress Meg Statler has resurrected the viral clip’s well-intentioned character — an employee of the Butter Shop — as the fictional store preps its latest Pride campaign aimed at courting community dollars without a complete grasp on queer culture.

“Hi gay, happy Pride Month! We’re back at the Butter Shop, queens, and we go goo-goo, ga-ga for gay,” Stalter says. “Hey, on a scale from normal sex to ass play, we’re more lesbian than ever. We love lesbian, you queer thang.”

She then introduces the store’s new Pride flavors: “Sassy Cinnamon,” “Hickory Hickey From a Guy,” and “Eat Me Out, Amber, Cheddar.”

Statler says:

“We think that gay people are okay, at least for the next 30 days. If I didn’t like queer, would I wear these? Also, I lit a candle for every person that I know that looked gay. So, whether you’re a lipstick lesbian or a butch, stop by the Butter Shop and take a look.”

Statler’s June 2021 clip, which featured the Butter Shop “sashaying away with deals” as it amassed nearly 57,000 likes on Twitter atop 1.3 million views on the platform — and that’s not accounting for all the memes the original video inspired over the past year.

The actress is currently starring on season 2 of HBO Max’s Emmy-winning comedy Hacks



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