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Good Social Media Etiquette Tips To Practice In the New Year


I think it’s important for all of us, but particularly those of us who are terminally online, to acknowledge that we occasionally say mean or spiteful shit. But what’s more, I think it’s VERY important that we acknowledge that in a constructive way that leads to growth and character progression.

It’s one thing to say – that’s not how I am in real life, that’s not what I meant, that was a moment of anger. It’s quite another to say – that’s what I meant in that time and frame of reference, and here’s how I’ve grown since then and how I now openly rebuke what I used to believe.

I think many people are afraid to approach apologies or transparency in this way because they see it as displaying weakness, but I’ve found that I receive infinitely more grace when I do.

Apologies for the serious post. I realize that’s not what most people like to see from me. I just think it’s really important, especially in the holiday period of thankfulness and introspection and new resolutions, to do some inward reflection and admit that we all have things to learn and grow from, beyond, toward – and that being more honest about the process will only serve us better.

Some of y’all gotta quit with the constant clubbing and Grindring and then turning around and making these woe-is-me posts with the cute lil’ cartoons about how you just want someone who will cuddle you and play video games.

Baby, it’s OKAY to not be ready for that yet and want to live your life! But while it’s possible to have both, I have to be real with you and tell you they’re usually kinda mutually exclusive. At least if you want them to last.

If you want to settle down, do it. But make sure you can blink on the weekends first.

Parasocial internet relationships are weird. It’s cool to like someone’s online presence or persona, but don’t assume y’all are friends just because you like their stuff a lot.

There’s steps in between, and they’re not always available as an option.


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