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FAQ: Is Semen in Fact Good for Your Skin? #BukkakeEdition


This is literally the most frequently asked question on many message boards because you vain cock hungry gremlins no know bounds.


You may have heard certain influencers or celebrities raving about the skin care benefits of semen. But YouTube videos and personal anecdotes aren’t enough to convince experts.

In fact, there isn’t any scientific evidence to back up the idea of putting semen on your skin.

Aside from doing little to help your complexion, it can also result in allergic reactions and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Didn’t I hear it can help with acne?

The acne-fighting potential of semen is a bit of an urban myth.

It isn’t clear where the idea came from, but the topic regularly pops up on acne forums and beauty blogs. How it can help acne is also unknown.

A common belief is that spermine — an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent found in sperm and cells throughout the human body — can combat blemishes.

Again, no evidence exists to confirm this.

If you’re looking for a proven acne treatment, you have a few options, including home remedies.

Over-the-counter products containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide are recommended for mild acne.

Cystic acne, however, usually requires something a little stronger. Oral contraceptives can help clear the skin. Isotretinoin is another effective pill method.

You can also try a number of professional procedures, including:

What about its supposed anti-aging benefits?

Spermine’s to blame for this one, too. Its antioxidant status means some believe it can smooth fine lines.

A slightly more scientific link exists here. Spermine derives from spermidine.

One study published in Nature Cell Biology found that injecting spermidine directly into cells can slow down the aging process. But little is known about the effects of applying it topically.

Stick to what has been proven instead.

When it comes to anti-aging, serums containing a high concentration of vitamin C and retinoids should be your first choice.

You can also invest in a moisturizer full of ingredients like glycerin or hyaluronic acid.

And don’t forget to protect your skin from the sun. This alone can be a big contributor to premature aging.

It’s high in protein, right? Surely that counts for something?

More than 200 separate proteins can be found in semen. It’s true.

However, the amount — which is on average 5,040 milligrams per 100 millilitersTrusted Source — still isn’t enough to make a noticeable difference.

If you put that figure in dietary terms, it equates to around 5 grams. The average female needs 46 grams of protein a day, while the average male requires 56 grams.

It isn’t going to do anything for your diet, and it’s unlikely to have any effect on your skin, either.

Proteins found in skin care products usually come in the form of peptides. These amino acids help keep skin firm and wrinkle-free, but they can be ineffective unless combined with other ingredients.

A much stronger source of protein is food.

study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that a diet rich in plant-based protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can promote healthy cellular aging.

Items to keep in mind for a plant-based diet include:

  • tofu
  • lentils
  • chickpeas
  • quinoa
  • potatoes
What about its zinc content?

Semen contains 3 percent of your recommended daily zinc allowance. But this figure can vary from person to person.

It’s recommended that females consume 8 milligrams a dayTrusted Source, while males should consume 11 milligrams.

Zinc has numerous skin care benefits. Its anti-inflammatory effects on acne are widely studied, as well as its cell repair and collagen production abilities.

This has led some to believe it can help with signs of aging.

However, the best results are produced when taking zinc orally along with applying it directly to the skin.

You can take zinc-based supplements, but adding more of it into your diet via nuts, dairy, and whole grains may be more worthwhile.

Be sure to talk to your healthcare provider first before starting any supplement to learn about any potential side effects or potential negative interactions with medications you’re currently taking.

So there really aren’t any demonstrated skin benefits?

Aside from some YouTubers showing before and after photos, there are no grounds for dermatologists to recommend semen as a skin care product.

So the next time someone hits you with that kind of line, you know to immediately shut them down.

If that’s true, why do salons offer semen facials?

Actually, the main salons that used to advertise such treatments appear to have closed.

New York’s Graceful Services spa once offered a spermine facial that could allegedly encourage collagen production, heal skin, and calm redness.

The spermine used was completely artificial and was mixed with a bunch of other ingredients, including rosehip seed oiljojoba oil, and vitamins E and B-5.

It’s these ingredients that are likely to have produced results. For example, rosehip seed oil is an effective hydrator.

Jojoba oil can also keep moisture in the skin, while vitamin E is an antioxidant that may benefit acne.
